Nick Sorrell from All Hail The Ale has been a regular contributor to the NonToxicated Facebook group. We love his beer reviews and he kindly agreed to let us share one on here! Here at NonToxicated, we feel Lucky Saint is a great starting point for someone new to the AF space - and it's widely available in supermarkets so should be easy to get your hands on some!
Yep, another AF beer, this time a la....lag.....lager - there, I said it. Lucky Saint is one I've seen many times in supermarkets and on websites where one can acquire AF beer, but up until my blood decided it preferred to be in a solid state in my lungs, I'd not picked it up to try.
I served it properly cold. It poured pale, and it had a touch of haze, and a spongy white head. It looked much better than many lagers I've had. It smelled typically alcohol free, that bready/yeasty/sweet malt profile is prominent. The taste though really did surprise me. The body is on the lighter side of medium, and the mouthfeel is just right. The malt profile is on the money, and there is a hint of that citrus hop coming through. It's a clean, light, grassy taste. And here is the crunch point. If you were served this with no clue what you were drinking, in my humble opinion, you could be fooled for thinking you were drinking a full fat lager.
The chalk board of joy reveals a very good score for Lucky Saint. The only thing for me that could use a little work is the aroma, but that's nit picking. The taste is what matters, and with my view that it could fool many a lager drinker, it's a winner in my book. Lucky Saint gets 3.75/5 from moi.
You can watch the tasting here :
Lucky Saint - you could be fooled into thinking this is a "full fat" lager!!
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