No doubt you're busy gearing up for Sober October...and so are we in the NonToxicated community!
As you will be aware, our 20k strong
community is full of alcohol free drinks consumers who love to hear about,
and try, new AF drinks and grown up soft drinks.
As every AF brand and distributor knows, Sober October is one of the key months of the year with more consumers trying to abstain from drinking alcohol for the month. From our experience many of these people stay connected to the alcohol free community and continue to buy AF drinks, as mindful drinkers.
Since we started NonToxicated, just in time for Sober October in 2020, we've organically grown our audience of alcohol free drinks consumers, so we have a ready made target audience for your products:
Facebook Group Members - 9.4k
Opted In Email Subscribers - 4k
NonToxicated App Downloads - 2.5k
Instagram Followers - 3.8k
During Sober October we anticipate a significant increase in all these numbers. Because of this, we have put together some options for you to reach our audiences and maximise your Sober October marketing efforts.
We will be kicking off our campaign on the 15th September to give you enough time to let our community know why they should be choosing your drinks or services to help them on their Sober October Mission!
Here's some of the services we are offering...
Be our Brand Of The Week...7 slots available starting 16th September. Package includes...
✅ Exclusive access to the NonToxicated Facebook Group of 9.3k consumers
✅ 1 post per day
✅ Announcement/pinned post in Facebook Group
✅ Premium Discount Code
✅ Email announcement of Brand of the Week to 4k subscribers
✅ Announcement article added to website, App, Facebook & Insta
✅ One product listing on the NonTox App
✅ Product review and included in Drink of the Day feature
✅ Inclusion in The NonToxicated Ultimate Guide To Sober October
We will be publishing our digital edition The NonToxicated Ultimate Guide To Sober October! Make sure you're included.....
Book a chunk of time to takeover the NonToxicated Facebook Group to get your brands seen!
Use this time to tell your brand story, build a relationship with the NonTox communty and help get your product in those Sober October baskets!
The 7.5 hour ad slot is perfect for reaching your customers in your specific time zone - If you are in the US or New Zealand, these slots will work perfectly for you and for members of our community that are in other timezones!
Sponsor one of the Sober October challenges in the NonToxicated Free Facebook Group....
Community Champion will run for the whole month of October. The most supportive, inclusive, creative and uplifting member of the community will be able to benefit from your sponsorship with a gift / prize. All social media posts about the challenge will include your logos and details of what your prize will be
Across the rest of the month there will be 10 challenges written by the NonTox team. Short - 3 days each, for maximum participation, fun and engagement. All posts about each challenge will include your branding and info about what is up for grabs if they win.
Our community love a good old competition....
Think about your goals, objectives and challenges and why not do a Sober October giveaway?
If you would like any more information about any of these services, give Leanne a call on 07904 459653 or drop her an email!
We do have lots of other services available...head on over to our brand partner section to download our full price guide.
If you have a specific requirement...or would like to discuss in more detail drop us an email
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