Dry Jan Services

Boost Your Dry January Campaign!

As you know, Dry January is the main event in the Alcohol Free calendar. Last year it was estimated that 6.5 million people planned to take part in Dry January in the UK alone and each year more and more people decide to lose the booze for the month. 

We've already seen that our members are gearing up ready for Dry Jan and we want to make sure we can support our community the best way possible and we'd love you to get involved too. In January 2021 we had nearly 1000 new members join our 
Facebook Group!! We anticipate it being a busy month again this year.

We have some exclusive opportunities for you to promote your products to our community of AF Drinks Enthusiasts.

The NonToxicated Community comprises of:

  • 5.4k Facebook Group Members
  • 3k Insta Followers
  • 1.4k opted in email subscribers of AF Drinks Enthusiasts

Our Dry January Campaign is a great way of getting your products in front of our community which is made up of a wide variety of consumers. These include people who are moderating, practicing sobriety, mindful drinkers, cutting down for health & wellbeing reasons, pregnant mums, as well as those who are experimenting with AF drinks. All of whom are looking for new drinks and inspiration to help them on their journey.

NonToxicated App Listing - From £10 BOGOF!

The NonToxicated App now has over 1k downloads! Are your products listed and is our audience being direct to your online store? If not, we can list them for £10 per month per product (SKU) or £50 upfront for 6 months or £100 upfront for 12 months. If you decide on any of these options we will also let you include a second product for free! If you only have one product contact us for a special deal!

Featured product and exclusive product listings also available speak to us for more information.

Discount Code - From £49

If you're not already offering our members an exclusive discount code, join over 20 brands that are already offering a code to our audience. We've just created a poll in the Facebook Group and our members are telling us they would like to see more Discount Codes! 

All discount codes are emailed out to our members each month, included on the offers section of the App, posted in the Facebook group and listed on our website too (for the duration of the code).  NonToxicated will also aim to comment with the discount code and link whenever someone mentions your product – or you are welcome to chip in and do this! 

1 month - £49
3 months - £75
6 months - £99

Takeover Day - Was £249 Now £199!!

Takeover our Facebook Group for the day and get your message to our 5.4k members of all which are Alcohol Free Drinks Enthusiasts!

You can create and post up to 5 posts in the group on the day.  These could be videos introducing your brand to the group, info about your best sellers, behind the scenes info, a poll, links to product info etc -etc - whatever you think of as long it does not disrespect other distributors or brands. If you have a NonToxicated  discount code you can mention this where appropriate. 


We’ll announce it as your company name “Takeover Day" at 9am on the day you choose. You can even go live once that day in the group if you like...

A takeover day is one of the best ways to get brand awareness and start to build relationships with our community of AF Drinks Enthusiasts!

Dry January Article - £49

Send us an article related to anything that will help our members during Dry January. This will be posted in the Facebook group, on the NonToxicated App and included in our Dry January Newsletter. If the article is quite comprehensive, a shortened version will be included in the guide with a link through to the full article either on your website or the NonToxicated website.

Dry January Newsletter - £49

Feature in our Dry January newsletter. Content can include video, competitions, polls, stories, new product launches, news, recipes, articles, tips etc. 

Dry January Related Live Video/Online Event- From £49

Speak to us if you'd like to do a live video in the Facebook Group or an online event such as cocktail making, Meet The Creator etc...we'd love to hear your ideas to inspire our members! 

Drink Of The Day Slot - £29

Feature one of your drinks in the Facebook Group and on our Insta page with an image and write up about your products and serving suggestions.

Boost Your Dry January Campaign Now!

As you can see, we've got lots of ways for you to reach our ever growing audiences and we can also do bespoke packages.   If you'd like to expand your Insta reach we can do joint competitions, create stories, share your content etc...just speak to us about your ideas!

Let’s give our AF community inspiration and support during Dry January and help them to show their friends and family that being AF is far from boring!

If you're interested in getting involved in the NonToxicated Dry January Campaign, simply email leanne@nontoxicated.co.uk or call 07904 459653.

Email Us Now!
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